I am just doing this post to tell you that I will be taking some time out . Last week wasn't part of the plan but I had a flare up because of my Rhuematoid Arthritis.
I have decided to take time out from the challenge blog DTs that I am on. I will still be scheduling posts for the company DTs that I am. Ie: Inky Impressions and Alota. Nikki, Debbie and Caz have kindly said I can come back in late September , early October. Thanks guys x
The reason being is that I am going to be so busy. We have just been informed of our moving date (at last!)which is in two weeks time! We actually get the keys and move into the new house on the 2nd September , the kid's first day back at their new school, nightmare! My mum is then coming over to visit on the 8th September and then we have to get our eldest daughter to the UK to settle her into her new University. As well as sorting out travelling arrangements for our eldest son to get to his school and board during the week.
So I decided the best thing to do was take a time out.
Hope you all have a good rest of the summer holidays and everything goes well with your children going back to school. I will see you again late September , early October. But don't forget to look out for my DT cards which will be scheduled.