I just had to tell you about the fantastic service I received from Helene of
Alota Stamps. I made two seperate orders a couple of days apart. I received the second order first and sent Helene an email just explaining that I was a little worried about the first order not arriving. I know sometimes this can happen , what with me being in Germany and my post going to UK first and all that. I was happy to wait a few days for it to turn up but Helene wasn't, she sent me a repeat order straight away! I emailed her back saying that if the original order turned up I would send them back to her but she replied that I could keep them and use them for blog candy to people who maybe couldn't get them. How generous is that?
So a big thank you to Helene and you MUST go over to the website and have a look at all the stamps, they are gorgeous!!!!! And I even got a little extra bug stamp, real cute.
Here's the website address
http://www.alotarubberstamps.com/ars/default.aspYou can have them mounted or unmounted, it's up to you.
;0) and if you don't want to pay with hubby's credit card Helene takes paypal too!!
There is an example of one of the stamps below and also I'll be putting a card up tomorrow using another one of the stamps. Can't wait for the others to get here now!!
her store has become on of my top favorites! Service means alot and she is top notch!
I have some of their stamps too - they are amazing quality. I love these bugs!
Jen x
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